Thursday, February 24, 2011

The beautifully demented mind of Katy Towell

Do yourself a favor and watch this. And then watch everything else. Then stalk her site, because absolutely everything by this woman is pure creative genius.

I first found out about Miss Towell way back in 2007/8ish, and fell in love with this little flash animation when all she had (to my knowledge) was a "DeviantArt" page. Since then, she has elegantly upgraded to a very well done website, and even has a much anticipated book, Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow, coming out late this August. Can't wait!

Her unsettling storylines and adorably macabre art really drew me in at first sight. My second favorite animation by her, would probably have to be Never Woke Up. It gives me chills every time, though I've probably watched it a hundred and six times.

-Savage V.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the stories as well as the art work. Keep it up,it's great!
