Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Whimsical dreamscape painting

I had a dream of a horse walking down a sunlit path toward the rotating sun with a sea of pills cascading past him. I decided to paint it and it turned out just as I dreamed. Painted with watercolors, acrylics and collaged ink and watercolor pill accents. Available for purchase in the Savage Vixen Etsy store.


The link above is where items for purchase can be found! From original artwork to jewelry and prints, prices negotiable and items mailed quickly. Take a look, favorite, and enjoy!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Sci Fi Dream Audio Experiment - worth a listen

Here's my first attempt at an audio track experiment called "Stage Seven." It was inspired by a dream I had a few months ago, and as I awoke I tried to grasp the threads of what I was left with before it escaped my memory entirely. I wrote a few notes which I turned into a script and this was my result. My dreams can be quite strange.


I highly recommend using headphones to catch all the subtleties, or at least playing it loud! The audio is my voice (my best fembot robot voice at that!) recorded on my iPhone but with a pitch change to make it lower and multiple layering effects by using Audacity. The music and sound is partially original but I also found some great effects and tracks from
I'd love some commentary! Thanks for listening!

Hello again:)

It has been quite a while since I dusted off these digital pages. A job change, a move, and a necessary boyfriend upgrade, plus several venues of artistic endeavors come to fruition and here I am posting once again. I will let that short sentence suffice as my introduction to welcome myself back to this blog and leave you with a few images of sketches: some old, some new.

"Broken Doll" - concept sketch

 Remember to follow me on Twitter via @savagevixen as well as my personal instagram @FemmeFoxx for updates!
"Fancy Lady" - just a sketch

Very old sketch that I'd like to revise... Flame Creature walking on Rainbow

"Villain Queen" - just a doodle

Monday, September 3, 2012

International Art Exhibit: 6x6@110

Happy Labor Day!

I am voluntarily going into work to continue progress on the hanging of the Gallery's newest upcoming exhibition, 6x6@110. 6x6 refers to the size of the hundreds of canvases there are to hang at the gallery as each one is 6" square, and 110 refers to the street number for the gallery's address. It is a huge fundraiser to support our arts programming, so it is very inspiring to see such a massively positive response to this exhibition.

We've received over 500 canvases in various mediums (3D, ink, watercolor, fabric, photography, and so on). We've received canvases from all over Texas and as far away as New York, California, and even Nepal, officially making this an international exhibit.

It has been a huge undertaking to hang this show, but it has been so fun to see each individual canvas as it comes in. Thanks to the help of my boyfriend (and his connection as an editor at the City's leading newspaper), the gallery's clear glass windows have been covered in newspaper to maintain the secretive nature of this exhibit until the opening reception this coming Thursday. More pics to come over the next several days to track the progress as this project comes together.

Gallery doors from outside view.

Interior view obstructed by newspaper.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Long time, no see.

Wow, it's been a while.

I intend to jump back into blogging if it's the last thing I do. Despite being the Gallery Curator who runs an extremely busy art gallery, keeping up with modeling gigs and a rigorous workout routine, spending time with my journalist boyfriend (who's schedule is almost exactly opposite to mine), maintaining a clean and orderly loft apartment despite having two rambunctious male cats, and breathing somewhere in between all that, I am shooting for at least two blog posts a week! We'll see how long my well-meaning intentions last, but for now, since I've successfully wasted 30 minutes - that I really didn't have to spare - on, I am going to resume blogging after a 14 month hiatus by posting several pictures that amused me greatly. Enjoy.

Ooh, sick burn, brah.

There actually is a difference.
I remember Clippy!
Fact: everything looks shitty in Comic Sans.

Just one hand makes a world of difference.

Ok, this last one is from the time I turned my younger cat, Rococo, into an internet meme, just for the LULZ.

-The Savage Vixen

Friday, July 22, 2011

Caffe Tazza Art Show- 7/21/11

Ok, so I promise I will stop making and breaking promises to keep up on my blogging, because clearly, that is not happening.

I am so busy with the gallery, my work, moving (again!), haggling with my insurance company over my icky car wreck, and just life in general, that its nearly impossible to keep up with my blog.

BUT, last Thursday night I had yet another art show at Caffe Tazza, and it was a HUGE success! It stayed busy pretty much the whole night, tons of friends and new faces as well made the show, and I sold several pieces! ALWAYS a good thing! Here are some snapshots of the evening (all I've got are cell phone pics at the moment, but I will upload some digital camera pics soon):

"Vanity": originally marked NFS, something told me to put a price on it, and it ended up going to the perfect home.

Happy gallery-goers.

Beautiful Caffe Tazza, a tuscan style bistro, where the show took place.